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About Me

Well to begin with, let me start by being clear straight away - I'm simply just a hobbyist / enthusiast photographer, who hugely enjoys taking photographs to record my memories, my travels, places, and occasions. 


I'm not by any measure at all a professional, and as to whether I am even any good, that too is a matter of opinion.  But over the years, and thanks to Digital replacing Film (shoot a thousand photos, and at least one of them should come out good), I have indeed managed to capture some of what I think are reasonably decent images. 


And this mini-website is therefore just a way of perhaps indulging myself, but hopefully also a place where you happen to chance on something that in turn, is pleasing or enjoyable to you, as I share some of these images with you all.

PLEASE NOTE: Site design/content addition is ongoing.  This site is very much a "work in progress"  

(Background image is Loch Etive, Scotland, 22nd Jan. 2017)

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